Portraits | Keilah – Silang, Cavite

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Thank heavens for this gift called the internet!

Keilah is a sweet and pretty girl who is currently living down under in Australia. They migrated for about 3 years now and they have always tried to stay on track with their roots by constantly visiting the Philippines when they get the chance… and this year is something really special because it’s not just a simple balik bayan vacation, she’ll be celebrating her 18th!

Would you believe that we pulled everything together just online? We never got the chance to meet prior to this shoot and every thing just clicked. She may be thousands of miles away in Australia but she prepared for everything like a pro!

Before our shoot, we planned on different pegs that she wanted to embody. She wanted to show in our shoot, the different types of a Keilah Gerardine.

We have the sweet and preppy girl, the young lass, the fiery chic and the ethereal beauty. She doesn’t just have an eye for details but boy can she really carry a pose!

It was such a pleasure shooting this girl!

© Den Montero Photography

PHOTO: Den x Ced x Ayi

HMUA: Donaimi Panganiban

LOCATION: Our Lady of La Salette Silang

